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How to use a PoS-tagger evaluation framework


To reproduce results that are described in the paper you should obtain third-party resources, get a build of UIMA-Ext's Morph.PosTaggingLab module, prepare resources and launch experiments.

Third-party resources

To obtain an RNC corpus follow instructions given at

Link to download a morphological dictionary of OpenCorpora project:

Note that content (and format) of OpenCorpora dictionary is changing from time to time. You can download the version that was used for the experiments from here.

UIMA-Ext resources

A specific version of UIMA-Ext that was used for experiments is available in the GitHub repository tagged RuSSIR-2014-YSC-paper (FIXME tag name). UIMA.Ext.Morph.PosTaggingLab is a main module required for experiments. It defines all other required dependencies in its POM. It also contains a definition of assembly that contains all required jars, templates of configuration files and shell scripts. This assembly results in a compressed tarball morph-pos-tagging-lab-0.3-SNAPSHOT-assembly-with-deps.tar.gz. You can download it from here. Alternatively, you can build it yourself by running mvn install in UIMA.Ext.Parent.

PosTaggingLab installation

Unpack morph-pos-tagging-lab-0.3-SNAPSHOT-assembly-with-deps.tar.gz into some directory. Let's call this directory PTLab dir for further references.

Then, in this directory: cp

Edit Define variable opencorpora_home: an actual path to a directory that contains the dictionary XML-file.

Definition of a corpus split

Lists of document names in each set (training, development and test) are available in UIMA.Ext.Morph.PosTaggingLab/data folder. Two its subfolders rnc-corpus-split and rnc-corpus-split.xmi contain the same files with the exception that the latter lists files with .xmi extension.

Resource pre-processing

All evaluated taggers are wrapped into UIMA annotators. Other components of the framework implementation are also heavily based on UIMA platform. Therefore, there are Java applications that converts an original corpus and dictionary resources into UIMA-Ext data structures and perform their alignment as described in the paper.

Dictionary preparation

To compile the dictionary run It creates file dict.opcorpora.ser in ${opencorpora_home} (see section about installation).

TODO link to

Corpus preparation

To parse xhtml files of the corpus and produce UIMA XMI files run (from PTLab dir):

./ <path-to-ruscorpora_1M>

This creates directory <path-to-ruscorpora_1M>/texts.xmi that is called the corpus XMI dir below.

Option --enable-dictionary-alignining in turns on the corpus pre-processing procedures described in the paper. For a full picture look at sources of ru.ksu.niimm.cll.uima.morph.ruscorpora.DictionaryAligningTagMapper2.

How to run experiments

Common information

Each experiment is implemented as a Java application that configures a workflow instance using DKPro Lab. Read a documentation of this framework for better understanding. Slides on seems to be a good start.

Each workflow is implemented as a class with name ending on *Lab, e.g., ru.kfu.itis.issst.uima.morph.hunpos.HunposLab or All lab classes for taggers evaluated in the paper can be found in module UIMA.Ext.Morph.PosTaggingLab.


Each lab class accepts one option --parameters-file <path-to-parameters-file> from command line. It is not required to provide a value for this option: by default a lab application attempts to read its parameters from file '.parameters' in a current working directory. Templates for these parameter files are provided in subfolder parameter.templates of PTLab dir. For most of the taggers there are also shell script templates in PTLab dir, e.g,

To summarize, there is an example on how to launch Lab for OpenNLP MaxEnt tagger (given that we are in PTLab dir and is prepared):

cp parameter.templates/HunposLab.parameters .
# adjust parameters to your environment
vim HunposLab.parameters
chmod u+x

For details about particular parameters see sections below.

Workflow parameters

Each parameter defined in a parameter file is translated into an instance of DKPro-Lab Dimension. Values for a single parameter are separated by semicolon:


A typical workflow

Workflow usually contains tasks such as:


The example value is actually the one that was used for the experiments in the paper. Here, POST,RNC_INIT,Prnt,Apro,Anum represents Part-of-Speech category jointly. The framework exploits the grammatical model of OpenCorpora dictionary.

How to evaluate another tagger


Export to TSV

R utils to compute statistical significance
